Thursday, September 29, 2011

When the Beast is Too Much

Five pounds of chuck roast between 3 people can mean a whole lotta leftovers.  I really didn't want to freeze it & it wasn't really flavored right to turn it into shredded bbq beef sandwiches. Hmmm...what to do? 

In short, I threw the leftover meat, veggies & all of the broth into a pot. I squeezed out all the roasted garlic that had been in with the roast, added 2 cans of petite diced tomaotes, a can of black-eyed peas, 1 cup frozen corn, 1/2 cup frozen peas & heated it all up. I know Martha would grow & dice her own tomatoes, corn, & peas & probably would never consider a can of beans. But I've spent years trying to be Mary in a Martha world. Finally, medication has solved that for me! hahahahaha...I don't have to be Martha anymore. I'm not quite Mary either, but I float somewhere in between & my family seems to be good with that.

As usual, I digress.  Anyway, my boys loved the soup.  My son said, "That's some right tasty soup, Mom!"  Hubby had just started coming down with a cold, so it was just what he needed.  Today, I divided it into 1 cup portions in freezer storage bags, labeled them and laid them flat in the freezer for a future hot meal.

What do you do with your leftovers?  Please share!

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