Wednesday, March 28, 2012

My Husband Won't Eat Brains

First of all, thank you so much for all your requests that I get back to blogging! I really appreciate the encouragement a ton!  Things have been crazy busy for us for the last few months so I haven't actually had time to write.  This would mostly be because I talk too much, which brings me to my second point.  In the interest of just getting back to writing, I'll try to keep things brief and to the point.  I tend to not write because I don't have time for my normal ramblings, which got me thinking, your lives are probably also busy and don't have time to read my ramblings.  After all, The Hunger Games is out and if you want it read before you hit the theaters, you don't have time for my wandering words.  Also, sometimes I don't write because I didn't take pictures. :/  Well, sometimes I whipped up something on accident and I don't have pics, but I'd still love to share. So from now on, I'll share anyway.  So if you see random pics of my dogs rather than my food, it's simply a ploy to keep you entertained.  :)

Now - on with the brains.  They are NOT brains!  Fish don't fry in the kitchen, Beans don't burn on the grill, took a whole lotta tryin' just to convince my husband cauliflower ain't brain matter!  (Wait for it...there. You're welcome. You'll be hummin' the Jefferson's theme song all week.) 
 Cauliflower gets a bad wrap. People love it or hate it and I find very few who truly love this underestimated flower.  Low in fat, high in fiber, folate, water & vitamin C. Also high in phyto-nutrients, which means it can help reduce risk of cancer.  "Yeah, all that and no flavor," say most people.  Rather than thinking it has no flavor, think of it as extremely versatile!  It can go into any soup or kick up the vitamin power of your mashed potatoes.  Spice it up with crazy curried sauces, stir fry it or roast it. But please, I beg of you, don't steam it to death and pour some gooey "cheese food" over it. You know the one - it's in a certain yellow/orange box and sits in the middle aisles of the grocery store. If it's in a box, has a 12 year shelf-life and never need be refrigerated, it's not cheese.  It's a heart attack waiting to happen. Just thinking of it perks up the plaque in my arteries!

I rarely buy cauliflower because there's such a revolt in my house when I do.  But last week I bought some for myself with no intention of sharing. Last night though, I baked some tilapia with a little salt/pepper & lime, cooked up some arroze y gandules, and yes ladies and gentlemen - cauliflower. 

It came upon me suddenly after I put the fish in the oven and glanced at the nearly empty bottle of Riesling on my counter.  I had a little treat for myself in the fridge and tonight was the night.  So, I pulled it out, cleaned it, broke up the fleurettes, dropped them in a bowl, poured about a 1/2 cup of wine over them, drizzled some olive oil, sprinkled with kosher salt & fresh ground pepper, crushed two cloves of garlic & mixed it all up with my hands.  I then removed my pan of fish from the oven, dumped the cauliflower all around it randomly, cranked up the heat to 400 and put it back in the oven for 30 minutes.

YUMMMMMMMMM!!!!  My darling hubster even asked for some because it smelled so good.  When I took it out of the oven, it had a lovely gold-kissed color to it, it was slightly tender and oh so delicious.

So next time you think you can't eat cauliflower because it looks like brains - keep in mind that brains don't grow in the ground.

Feed the ones you love!

Thanks for reading!
